Our waiting list is currently closed.
The best way to find out when our waiting list opens is to subscribe to the CHFT newsletter which can be found at coophousing.com. When our waiting list is open, the application fee is $25 per applicant and applications must be submitted with income verification and photo identification.
Once the application is received, applicants will be interviewed by our Membership Committee. The Membership Committee will pass their recommendation on to the Board which will make a decision regarding approval. If the Board approves the application then the applicant is put on our waiting list. Our waiting list is a roughly 5 – 10 year wait.
Included in housing charges:
- Bell internet and cable services
- Hydro and water
- Radiant heating
- Storage lockers are available
Parking is extra.
Coin-operated laundry services are located in the basement.
Currently, 78 members live in 64 units in this diverse community including families, singles and couples.
- Bachelor – 16
- One bedroom – 30
- Two bedroom – 10
- Three bedroom – 8